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Leaked Images of Google’s New Phone

Images of Pixel, Google’s new phone, have accidentally hit the web this morning, courtesy of Carphone Warehouse. A quick search will present the phone seller at the top with links to pages showing off the new devices that are supposed to be ‘officially’ unveiled tomorrow. However, all the relevant pages have already been taken down, leaving the notorious error message “404 page not found” written in bold letters under the Carphone Warehouse website template.

Immediately it resembles the sleek profile of the all familiar iPhone, completely different from the Nexus branded phones that were previously pioneered by the company. So this seems like a new direction for Google – New phone, new branding and new way of bringing android fans on board. The phone will come in two sizes, 5 inch screens for the basic device and 5.5″ for the XL. The specs look good too; both variants coming with 4GB RAM and newest Snapdragon 821 chips from Qualcomm, marking an improvement on the 820.

There will also be options of storage sizes from 32GB to 128GB, with unconfirmed reports of expandable memory courtesy of Micro SD. The bigger screen of the XL will be powered by 3450mAh to help the 1440 x 2560 resolution, in comparison to the 2770mAh battery for the 1080 x 1920 res of the smaller device.




Also, to add options for customisation, Google are promoting designable cases from existing images, or ones picked from Google Earth.

So the word is out along with, it would appear, most of the details of the new phones, so we’re not sure what this really leaves Google to announce tomorrow, but Android fans will no doubtedly be eagerly awaiting for confirmation of the finer details.

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